
Tapestry Small bouquet


This jacquard wall tapestry represents a small bouquet in XVIIIth century fresco style. It is woven in pastel tone on damask in wool, silk or both, it is lined with a plain beige cotton fabric and has an integral sleeve for hanging. It comes with the "TISSAGE D'ART DE LYS" certificate.

Material available
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Reference 9020 100X075B
Product type Woven wall tapestry - Jacquard weaving
Dimensions 39" x 29"
Finishing Cotton lined with certificate
Orientation Landscape
Hanging Possibility of passing a wooden slat through the provided sheath - Wall hanging by stapling into the lining
Care Dry clean only

All our tapestries are designed, woven and finished in our factory, in France.

3 compositions are available:

 - 52% Wool 45% Cotton 3% Polyester (Traditional weaving)

 - 27% Silk 40% Cotton 26% Wool (White silk thread bringing a luminous look)

 - 53% Silk 43% Cotton 4% Polyester (White and black Silk threads provide a luminous look and more softness)

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